Bear Necessities
West Broad Street Elementary Newsletter
Volume 7 - March 18, 2024
Progress Reports - T3
Greetings from WBS!
It is hard to believe that we are officially entering our third trimester of the school year. Time flies when our students are engaged and growing positively in their learning. It has been such a thrill to see their growth and achievement!!
Tonight at 7:00 PM, WBS parents and guardians will have access to their childs’ progress report in Home Access Center (HAC). I encourage you to review your childs’ progress report and celebrate all of the growth your child has made this year. Our students are working so hard each and every day to grow academically as well as socially. I have been witness to many amazing “light bulb” moments this year and enjoyed seeing our students learn and grow. Our teachers and staff are truly dedicated to their craft and deeply embrace the SASD instructional approach of teaching the whole child, which includes all aspects of learning. Thank you parents for being our partners in celebrating a love of learning and discovery!
Think Spring!
Mrs. Sue Hadfield, Principal
Add a Call-to-Action
Spotlight Around WBS
Da Vinci Science Assembly
We were WOWed at the amazing chemical reactions on display at the assembly. Fire, elephant toothpaste, and liquid nitrogen!
Kimmel Center Pics
Thanks to generous funding from the Indian Valley Education Foundation, third graders at West Broad Street Elementary School traveled to the Kimmel Center for a Philadelphia Orchestra School Concert performance. They learned all about the musicians and the concert hall. It was an incredible experience!
with Grownups
Home and School
What’s Happening
4/15, 4/16, 4/17 Spring Paint Nights. More information coming soon!
4/23 Broad Street Pizza fundraiser
Online ordering for yearbooks is NOW OPEN! Families can now access to place your order using the access code: 18621YB
**Reminder ALL 5th Grade students receive a FREE yearbook compliments of the WB Home & School**
If you wish to volunteer in our school or at school events such as field trips, classroom socials, and other happenings, click here for more information and clearance forms.
Student Council
This week is our Penny War! All the money raised goes towards a fun end of the year WBS activity.
Bring in all your pennies and silver coins!
Upcoming Events:
Penny War - March 18th-March 22nd
Spirit Day-March 22nd
Pi Day
Math Enrichment
Math Olympiads Ice Cream Celebration
Lost and (Not Yet) Found
If you recognize anything, please have your child check the Lost and Found.
Pics and Video created by kids during Lunch and Recess!
Arrival | Dismissal | Transportaion
Arrival - 8:30-8:45
Dismissal - 3:15-3:30
Bus Riders
Car Rider Video
Important Information
If your child is absent, please report the absence before 8:30 AM. Absences can be reported via phone or e-mail.
To report an absence via phone, please call 215-723-1711 and press 3 for the attendance office.
To report an absence via e-mail, send a message to
An automated SchoolMessenger call will be made to the parent/guardian of a student who is marked absent.
Please e-mail all parental excuse notes for absences (Absence/Tardiness Excuse Form: English | Spanish | Vietnamese) to the following e-mail:
All excuse notes must be received by the third day following a student return from the absence or the absence will be coded unexcused/unlawful.
If student incurs six unlawful absences, it will result in truancy
SASD on Instagram
Souderton Area School District is excited to announce the launch of our Instagram presence! Follow us @SoudertonSD as we share the great things happening in our schools with the Souderton Area community. Look for our schools at the hashtags below and join us on Instagram today!