Bear Necessities
West Broad Street Elementary Newsletter
Volume 10 - May 6, 2024
Teacher Appreciation Week
~ Greetings from WBS~
This week we are celebrating national Teacher Appreciation Week at WBS. This is one of my favorite weeks of the school year. I cannot begin to say enough about the amazing professional staff here at WBS. Our teachers continue to inspire me through their hard work and dedication to our students. Our teachers go above and beyond each and every day to ensure that our students are learning and growing in a positive way!
Thanks to everyone for supporting our teacher breakfast scheduled for tomorrow morning 5/7. Our teachers are so grateful for your continued support and partnership.
I encourage you to take a minute to thank a teacher this week! Feel free to send in a note or a small treat to celebrate our exceptional teachers. I thank you in advance for your support of our staff.
Together we remain #WBStrong!
~Mrs. Hadfield, Principal
Add a Call-to-Action
Around WBS
Around WBS
Miss Anderson’s class writes Haikus in nature.
Home and School
WBS families— We are excited to kick off our biggest fundraiser of the year, the West Broad Street Fun Run! Our goal is to raise $7,500 for Field Trips, 5th Grade Yearbooks, and enhancing classroom spaces. Every student will get to be included in the program, regardless of financial participation. More information to come over the next few weeks, save the dates!
Souderton Area School District and Keystone Opportunity Center are teaming up to help families in our community. Keystone Opportunity Center has a food pantry that provides food for over 1,000 families in our community.
WBS is in charge of bringing in the following items all next week: May 13th-May 17th
Student Council
Arrival | Dismissal | Transportaion
Arrival - 8:30-8:45
Dismissal - 3:15-3:30
Bus Riders
Car Rider Video
Important Information
If your child is absent, please report the absence before 8:30 AM. Absences can be reported via phone or e-mail.
To report an absence via phone, please call 215-723-1711 and press 3 for the attendance office.
To report an absence via e-mail, send a message to
An automated SchoolMessenger call will be made to the parent/guardian of a student who is marked absent.
Please e-mail all parental excuse notes for absences (Absence/Tardiness Excuse Form: English | Spanish | Vietnamese) to the following e-mail:
All excuse notes must be received by the third day following a student return from the absence or the absence will be coded unexcused/unlawful.
If student incurs six unlawful absences, it will result in truancy
SASD on Instagram
Souderton Area School District is excited to announce the launch of our Instagram presence! Follow us @SoudertonSD as we share the great things happening in our schools with the Souderton Area community. Look for our schools at the hashtags below and join us on Instagram today!