Bear Necessities
West Broad Street Elementary Newsletter
Volume 2- September 30, 2024 ​
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Greetings from WBS!
As we settle into the school year, I wanted to take this opportunity to share some friendly reminders with you:
Thanks for ALL you do to support our school community,
Mrs. Susan Hadfield, Principal
DOnuts with GRownups
DOnuts with GRownups
Music in OUr SChool
The car rider line is very busy ​during dismissal. Please remind ​your children to sit down ​(weather permitting), watch for ​cars, and listen for their names.
8 - 8:30 AM- RSVP here by 10/2
Click here to donate breakfast items
Please allow 3 weeks after store closing for orders to be
email in early October with registration details.
coming soon
Arrival | Dismissal | Transportaion
Arrival - 8:30-8:45
Dismissal - 3:15-3:30
Bus Riders
Car Rider Video
Important Information
If your child is absent, please report the absence before 8:30 AM. Absences can be reported via phone or e-mail.
To report an absence via phone, please call 215-723-1711 and press 3 for the attendance office.
To report an absence via e-mail, send a message to
An automated SchoolMessenger call will be made to the parent/guardian of a student who is marked absent.
Please e-mail all parental excuse notes for absences (Absence/Tardiness Excuse Form: English | Spanish | Vietnamese) to the following e-mail:
All excuse notes must be received by the third day following a student return from the absence or the absence will be coded unexcused/unlawful.
If student incurs six unlawful absences, it will result in truancy
SASD on Instagram
Souderton Area School District is excited to announce the launch of our Instagram presence! Follow us @SoudertonSD as we share the great things happening in our schools with the Souderton Area community. Look for our schools at the hashtags below and join us on Instagram today!
Contact Information
Contact Us
342 West Broad Street
Souderton, PA 18964
Phone: 215.723.1711
Fax: 215.723.6909
Newsletter created by Darren Smith - Computer Science Teacher
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